Mid module feedback and documentation

On Friday we discussed documentation and your mid module feedback.

You can see a recording of here: https://cardiff.cloud.panopto.eu/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=287c10ea-f3be-4b03-a395-b1130118bb73

Here is the mid module feedback comments you wrote:

Please note any features of this module that you feel work well, and why they help you to learn.

interesting lectures and module. Nice lecture times also

Group projects are a good idea

Law building lectures

Clear structure, easy to find info.

Everything explained very well

website laying out the whole process is helpful

Group work allows sharing of ideas

A bit unclear on where we should be each week

I like that we can be creative with the group work and Vince is a great lecturer

The layout of telling us where we should be each week with our group project - very helpful for keeping on track

Tom is giving me a headache with "memes"

Everything is fantastic no complaints

more freedom given to explore ideas

I like that we know what we should be doing each week for the group project

the website

notebooks online is super helpful

The website!!! So helpful to have worked solutions

website is clear and organised

creating room for discovery

comfier seats

The website is very helpful and the examples of previous projects are very useful

"Vince's website is good and easy to navigate Vince gave an opinion on our idea which helped us decide on what to do for our project."

Vince explains everything very well. What was the project about again?

nice pace

Website is very useful and structure is good

group project working with others

Clear structure- easy to know what’s expected of us in terms of progress

It’s easy to find all the resources


the outlines for where we should be

Teamwork is really successful, I believe that I am understanding the module more with the group participation rather than trying to fogure it out all by myself

Weekly targets for the group projec

website!! (yes)

Website and lecture summaries are great

Website is excellent

need more optimization in the course work

Vince <3

Axels a great help in the projekt

Vince <3

Compact lectures

common vince W

website is very useful

Vince is badass

fun, enjoyable, good for learning what you want to learn

Last lecture was very confusing, structure was unclear I feel

Confused with the three coding places from last time

It’s a 4 minute walk, not really a trek tbh

Please note any features of this module that you feel have not worked well, and suggest any potential changes that might help to address these.

Previous projects could be shown on learning central to look at

not addressed specifically what we should complete in our group project


Please explain the project again!!!

Law building lectures!!!!!

Maybe continued tutorial slots for people to work on group work with a tutor nearby

work required is a bit more overwhelming than last semester because of how open ended it is

Law Building

"Penblwydd hapus I ti

Does ddim coach gyda fi

Penblwydd hapus fy chwaer

Mae angen ty Bach gyda fi"




explains things too fast sometimes

Take your hat off

more photo competitions

The Law building means I'm more likely to forget where we are and that's spooky


don't like the idea of missing a MATHS lecture because I went to the MATHS BUILDING

Back in my day lmao

this semester is a bit too confusing

confused on what we’re actually doing on part of the project, would like a more directed approach on what to do as i don’t like the freedom

Cach ddim coach

Oh shush it's the maths building

There is no war in ba sing sae

Some of my Society stuff is getting in the way of Fridays specifically only before you go

Confused from last time, when to use the 3 different coding places

Oh My god societies?? Don't get me started time management is it's own nightmare

My friend Halim has to be in London Today

Long. Ago there was balance between the 4 nations then the fire nation attacked

Are you also a computer science lecturer

Can we have tutorials back for the stuff we do in lectures

Everything changed when the squirrel nation attacked


if you got 80 marks on the individual, does this mean you passed the year?

Obviously you can't- like- you have priorities and should keep them but it's a shame you're away for so long

this semester is hard as we’ve been taught notebook all last semester and now changing to vs code and terminals

Halim is doing fine

I am ju-dee

The coding advisor and Jupiter and terminal idk what they are

Oh yeah DID NOT like jupyter notebooks AT ALL

[It’s Pronounced Hal eem, but I will send him your regards]

Jupyter notebooks? Ew.


You've been high on cactus juice all day

I'm so relieved to be in VS code or really - anything other than jupyter. Looked bad, felt awful


I am including this comment

Vs code... please re-explain

more juliet lore

in this course (either math or fin math), which other languages are used?

could you change the vs code on your laptop to a high contrast mode

Actions I will take


After all this I went over documentation: using the Diataxis framework specifically.

I wrote the README.md file for the tsp library. You can find it here

You can see other examples in the python for mathematics text.

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