Release of individual coursework

Note: These are not designed to be student facing.

I make these notes available with the intent of making it easier to plan and/or take notes from class.

Student facing resources for each topic are all available at

Computing for Mathematics: Release of individual coursework

First class

Send the following announcement to students:

The coursework is now available to you at <url>.

The deadline to submit is <deadline>.

You will submit the coursework on learning central where you can find the
corresponding assignement.

If you have any queries please let me know.

In class, download and open the coursework.

Invite students to have a read through and discuss amongst themselves. Take any questions.

In class show where to submit the coursework.

If there is time, walk through the example coursework here.

The solution is available here

More information about assessment: here

Second class

Ask students if they know where to submit the work. Show them.

Clarify the deadline.

Go over the mock coursework:

Ask students if they have any questions.

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